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2019: A Year of Unwavering Faith!

“As you believe, so it shall be done on to you”

One of the most significant fortune Gaskov’s tragic death left for many of us is faith. Faith is to know that it CAN get better. It is that faith and our conviction that allowed us to manifest all that we have done for our community through the Gaskov Clergé Foundation.

It takes faith to bring forth the vision for GCF’s very first medical mission in 2000. We trusted and believed that it would actually materialize – and sure enough, every thing that we needed for the mission, mysteriously appeared in abundance, which allowed GCF to travel to Les Cayes, Haiti with a large team of medical professionals. That first year, we served over 2,000 patients in one week.

It takes faith to manifest what you see today at Klinik Fonfred. Once we envisioned and visualized what it would feel like for us to establish a world-class medical center for the underserved, we were confident that we will have what we needed to build such center. We were confident it would flow abundantly, and it did. Through our partnership with Forward in Health, we DID IT…and we continue to do more.

It takes faith to believe that things CAN be better. We choose to believe that regardless of the fear and the negativity assumed about Haiti, the situation CAN get better. In fact, GCF, through its scholarships, sports tournaments and Klinik Fonfred, is making things better for a community; We CAN make things better for our scholarship recipients; we CAN make things better for the 20,000 patient encounters the staff at Klinik Fonfred serves every year; we CAN make things better for our staff at Klinik Fonfred. Even when that is just one stone thrown in this massive ocean, WE ARE making a difference through its ripples. Your support continues to prove that where there is a will, there is a way.

It takes faith to start the year with very little funds in the organization’s bank account, yet we know that somehow, someway what is needed to continue with our programs for the year will flow abundantly. In fact it did in 2019 and it WILL in 2020! Here is what 2019 looked like:

· $224,772 raised through our partnerships and GCF's fund raising activities

· $113,162 spent on Klinik Fonfred’s operations

· $ 32,098 spent on a modern laboratory thanks in part to a $20,000 grant from

South Florida Hurricane Mathew Relief

· $ 9,561 to purchase an ambulance to transport critically ill patients

· $ 8,250 invested in 120 student’s future

· $ 1,675 spent on sport tournaments that are keeping the youth active and engaged in

It takes Faith to know that we will make it through these tough times. It takes faith to know that, with less than $50,000 left in GCF’s bank account, what is needed to continue to make a difference this year, will again flow in abundance.

It takes faith to know that you will find it in your heart to contribute to that flow of abundance. As Mathew 7:7 says: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” As such, we are asking you to consider making a monthly donation and become part of this amazing journey makes health care accessible for many underserved patients and also keep under-privileged children in school and engaged in sports. As it has been proven, those children are future Doctors, Nurses, Lawyer, Engineers, etc. They are the future of Haiti…and YOU are helping to create their future by believing in our work and trusting in GOD: the force that guides our faith and conviction. Please find it in you to make a monthly donation today at

Dr. Elise Renaud from Trinidad, serving along with GCF during the 2017 Medical Mission


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