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From the smallest gift to the largest, every dollar makes a difference. There are many ways to give.
Please choose one of the options below. For Zelle, Venmo and Cashapp, please send payment to Donations@gaskov.org.

Mail your check to:
Gaskov Clergé Foundation
PO Box 4068
Garden City NY 11531
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So Glad You're Here To Join & Support GCF!
The Gaskov Clergé Foundation (GCF) is a nonprofit, philanthropic organization established to promote health, sports, education and sciences in both the United States and Haiti. GCF is committed to empowering individuals and will carry out its mission by: Establishing both domestic and international programs/scholarship funds that assist deserving individuals pursuing academic excellence in the sciences. Developing resources for preventive health care in Haiti that encourage the philanthropic participation of physicians, nurses and other allied health professionals, along with the corporate community. Fostering the mental and physical development of young, Haitian athletes by providing support and assistance in developing the necessary infrastructure to prepare these athletes for competition. For the past 19 years, GCF has been carrying its mission in a disciplined way by executing many programs and relief efforts to benefit the communities it serves.
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GCF is committed to empowering individuals and will carry out its mission by: Establishing both domestic and international programs/scholarship funds that assist deserving individuals pursuing academic excellence in the sciences.
You can support our cause by submitting a donation. Thank you in advance for your continued support.