In August 2021, a devastating earthquake struck the South of Haiti, leaving thousands of families without homes, food, or clean water. The Gaskov Clerge Foundation (GCF) was one of the first organizations on the ground to provide much-needed disaster relief to the earthquake victims. Through the generosity of 511 donors, GCF was able to raise $371,166 for the relief efforts.
Through the tireless efforts of GCF and its partners, 1,200 families received food, water, and hygiene kits, helping to meet their most basic needs. New Jersey Women for Haiti helped raise $12,000 through their local church for the food kits. CLÉ Haitian Sisterhood prepared over 50 hygiene kits that were distributed to young girls in Anse-du-Nord, Haiti. The Bainet Foundation sent a truck of fresh bread to GCF from Bainet which was distributed to multiple camps in Les Cayes.
One of the biggest challenges in the aftermath of the earthquake was the destruction of many healthcare facilities in the region. GCF was instrumental in providing medical relief to those who needed it most, partnering with organizations like Hope Foundation for Hope Health in Haiti (FHHH), Mathew28, NJ4Haiti, and HANA of Greater NY to ensure that those impacted by the earthquake received the medical care they required. 7,942 patients received medical relief through 41 mobile clinics.
But GCF's work in Haiti did not end there. Thanks to the fundraising efforts of individuals like Catherine Desmarattes (KITKAT) and Guy Webern Guerrier (Guywewe), GCF was able to purchase and is finishing the construction of water distribution systems in Anse-Du-Nord, Garande Cayemite, Pestel, Grande-Anse. The community at Anse-Du-Nord was consuming water from a dirty hole. This effort will pump water into a distribution network for the communities, helping to improve health outcomes and quality of life.
How can you help?
During times of disaster, our vehicle plays a big part in providing medical relief around Haiti through mobile clinics. Currently, our vehicle is no longer reliable and needs repair multiple times a week. By November 28th, Giving Tuesday, GCF is trying to raise $30,000 so we can invest in reliable transportation that we need.