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GCF Update - Earthquake Response Plan

Thank you so much for your support and your compassion towards the victims of the last earthquake that devastated the South of Haiti. We've formulated a response plan for this disaster that will vary based on our fundraising results and priorities.

On The Ground

On Saturday, August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti’s southern peninsula affecting the South, Grand-Anse and Nippes Departments. The following Monday, Tropical Depression Grace dumped 2 inches of rain per hour, with 35 mph winds on the shelterless victims. As of 8/21/21, the reported death toll stands at 2,207. Additional reports include 12,268 injuries, 344 missing persons, 55,953 destroyed homes, 77,006 damaged homes and 650,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance. The disaster struck as Haiti was already reeling from a COVID-19 pandemic and a sociopolitical crisis, creating an even more volatile environment for the people of Haiti

Who is GCF?

Since its founding in 1999, the Gaskov Clerge Foundation (GCF) has taken a holistic approach to community empowerment. We provide young students who cannot afford an education with scholarships for a brighter future as well as an avenue for many to engage in competitive sports. In collaboration with MSPP and several partners, we built Klinik Fonfred in 2015, and have hired local medical professionals, giving them an opportunity to provide continuity of care to their community. Klinik Fonfred contributes to the local economy by creating 22 jobs and subsidizing the purchase of all medication from local vendors. Learn more about who we are here.

GCF is not a humanitarian relief organization. We are a community based, grass-root organization focusing on providing education and continuity of care to under-served communities. When the immediate disaster crisis subsides, and all of the aid agencies have moved on to another crisis, GCF will continue to support its constituents and communities—many of which we have been supporting for over 22 years. Since 2010, GCF has been called upon by the communities we serve, to contribute to disaster relief responses. We were there in 2010 to care for thousands of earthquake victims. The late Mayor of Les Cayes called us to serve the community after Hurricane Matthew devastated the area in 2016 and now, the community is trusting GCF to help bring relief directly to some of the victims of the earthquake in 2021.


The day after the earthquake, GCF had a small in-country team to assess the impact of the earthquake in Les Cayes and surrounding areas. The team assessed urgent needs in Les Cayes, Maniche, and Camp-Perin., Marceline, Ducis and Kaskad Dubreuil As a part of our assessment, we met with the Regional Director of MSPP who requested that we provide medical care to the communities of Camp-Perin, Saint Louis du Sud and Maniche for 3 months.

Funding permitting, we will focus on reconstruction and plan to identify 25-35 families needing assistance to help rebuild their homes that are paraseismic and can withstand 120 mile per hour hurricane winds

Based on our assessment, we know the following:

  • In Les Cayes, it is reported that 3,145 homes have been destroyed. The victims have set up makeshift tents in several locations, one of which we visited in Landes Des Gabions with about 100 families living under tarps. The families living under these harsh conditions voiced their desire to go back to their own homes to live as normal families. They also expressed the immediate need for additional tents and clean water.

  • We visited the town of Maniche, ~â…” of the town is destroyed including the main health center. When surveyed, Maniche’s residents expressed the need for food, not water.

  • We had similar requests in the town of Marceline near Camp Perin.

  • Camp Perin’s hospital was filled with pediatric patients being seen by a mission of medical doctors from the Nord-Est (Fort-Liberte & Nord-Est). The staff at the hospital expressed their need for an operating room.

We also assessed the damages in the Fonfred area where the clinic is located and found the following:

  • While Fonfred does not seem to be as affected as other areas, all of Klinik Fonfred’s staff living in Fonfred have either lost their homes or endured some damages to their homes.

  • Three of our staff at Klinik Fonfred lost their homes. One of our nurse’s house completely collapsed. She was pulled out of the rubbles alive and suffered neck injuries. The remaining 19 staff members’ homes were also damaged.

  • Klinik Fonfred lost one side of its perimeter wall. The building weathered the earthquake with only minor damages. The staff kitchen and the security building will need to be re-built.

  • We have 12,000 patients in the immediately affected area. Since the earthquake, the number of patients has gone down to about ~200 patients a week, vs ~300.

What we Are Doing

A small GCF team flew to Haiti 5 days after the earthquake to join the local team to continue to assess the situation and finalize our response to the disaster plan. Our response will ensure there is collaboration with other local entities, including the Haitian Diaspora Emergency Response Unit (HDERU), Departement de la Protection Civile (DPC), the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP). Based on funding levels, we will execute our response in 3 phases. Our plan may also change to adapt to changing priorities.

Phase 1 - Mobile Clinics & Distribution - 2 weeks (08/25 - 09/01) ($60,000)

  1. Conduct mobile clinics in identified impacted areas where victims have not been seen by a doctor or a medical team. Coordinate these mobile clinics in identified impacted areas that have not been visited by a doctor or a medical team for two weeks. Each mobile clinic will consist of a self-sustained team of 2 local Doctors and 6 Nurses. The team will carry all the medications and supplies they anticipate will be needed for the clinic. They will see patients free of charge. We are targeting care for 2,000+ patients and victims of the earthquake.

  2. Work with local authorities and help victims in Land des Gabions return to their home sites and provide them immediate relief such as a tent, a food card, 5 gallons of potable water, and a hygiene kit. We will also provide relief to other communities outside of Les Cayes. Our goal is to provide assistance to 500 families.

Phase 2 - Damage Repair & Medical Clinic(s) - 3 months (September-November) - ($200,000)

  1. Repair damages at Klinik Fonfred - rebuild the security wall and repair building damages.

  2. Out of 42 dispensaries, 16 are completely destroyed. The regional MSPP Director requested GCF’s help to provide health care for 3 communities in Camp-Perin, Maniche and St. Louis. GCF evaluated this request. Based on the organizations’ resources, we will build a team for 1-2 temporary center(s) and will decide on which one by September 1st.

Dispensaire de Maniche

Phase 3 - Rebuild - ($500,000+)

1. Based on the amount of funds raised, GCF will target 25- 35 families to help rebuild their homes. Families will be selected from 2-3 of the rural communities we serve in the South.

Home in Kaskad Dubreuil

Transparent Reporting

GCF is committed to transparent and accountable use of the funds that are generously entrusted to us. As of 8/28/2021, GCF has raised $141,779 of which 100% of the proceeds will be spent on relief efforts in Haiti.

  • GCF completed 990 form for 2019 can be found at


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